Thursday 31 May 2007

1000% confirmed!

My exam officially ended on the 18th of May, and my life have been hectic ever since then. I miss my afternoon naps, lazing around watching Jamie Oliver at 12pm... I miss playing tennis in the mornings and evenings. I just know for sure this 4 months break will be way different from the rest that I've had. Another valuable experience I gain in the path called life.
So.. back to my very busy life, I have been out everyday, noon and night. Making plans, discussing, going to the gym to practise for marathon. Gosh, imagine if I were to plan an event, i think my "hecti
c-ness" level will be 1000% more than now. Anyway, we are no longer doing the very ambitious record-breaking feat anymore. I shall save the idea for some other time, when we have *a-hem* more than 2 months to plan.
Some time last week, I've finally paid up the RM300 deposit (which I never did earlier) because I couldn't commit 100% to goin

Ta-da, that's the proof. Although the amount cannot really be seen, but the printed "Pertubuhan Raleigh International KL" is there! So, that was when I finally decided, even if I didn't have enough time, it will be too late, the money's in, no.turning.back.
Right after that, CK and I have decided to do the Jumble Sale, taking the opportunity of the free booth on the 27th of May...(which I will blog on that later as well...I really dunno what's the format of my blogging now, I'll try to "report" as much as I can without taking account of the sequence...)

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