Sunday 3 June 2007

At 2.36am...

Yes, at this point of my life, f-raising is D-MOST important issue. Although the total target (RM3500) ,may not be an impossible figure, but right now at this moment, I'm still struggling to think of other projects to work on to increase the funds. As I have always been a last-minute person, for this time around, I DO-NOT wish to fund-raise till the day before I leave for KK. I really don't want to be thaaat last minute (, okay?) Fine, that's a small little target I must fulfil. -I.must.not.have.a.deadline.that.states.4th.of.July-
In an un-related note, Chii Chie, a good friend from Nottingham Malaysia, which i would say, "suddenly" decided to go for the 10-week long expedition (after I tirelessly ask her, "chii chie, when are you joining me? ; chii chi
e, when are you coming along with me to Sabah ar?"), the only huge brick wall that stands in her way is:
1) An approval for job resignation at some pipe company, which all the staff including the sales engineer, doe
s filing work... :P
2) $ for expedition! (Fine, make that TWO huge brick walls!)

When I was talking to her this afternoon... she told me she will somehow find a way whether it is to: jump over it, break it or dig a hole under the wall and go through it... Any way possible, she will go. That sounds like a great news, right? I have a friend, who can board the same flight back to KL, which apparently is not gonna be CK as he has already booked his return air tickets. If all goes well, the list will have THREE names, not something to be wow-ed about... but still THREE will be better than TWO, right? Yeah, I wish to think so.

ps: Tang Chii Chie, I'm sure you will read this e
ntry, if you "suddenly" decide to NOT go again (why again? before she got the "filing" job, she actually agreed to go...), knowing that I have part of an entry written about you, will make you feel miserable? (haha! :P)

Yes, a blog entry will not be complete without a picture! :)

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