Wednesday 6 June 2007

Mission failed.

Monday blues I guess, even though I don't work...
I failed. I did not run 10km today, I only manage 5km, due to some reasons that result to a very late brunch, at 3.30pm. I finished my 5km thinking that I was gonna faint half way doing it.. Haha... The real deal is, I do get bored after running on the treadmill for an hour, I will start thinking, "if i were to do another 10km, that would be another hour on the treadmill, with repeated music...arghh..!" So that's why, I stopped, more to boredom than tiredness. Anybody any remedy?
Anyways, not much update today.
I'm still waiting for a reply.
An important decision, that will really determine my future fundraising project, minor projects that is...
Official countdown-it's less than a month away before I leave for KK, precisely 1 month-2 days. I'

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